пятница, 4 октября 2013 г.

Выполнение внешней команды на сервере

В ABAP есть много инструментов классов, функциональных модулей, отчетов, которые позволяют творить практически любые операции над данными. Если ABAP функционала недостаточно, существует возможность воспользоваться командами сервера, благо есть необходимый функционал.
Для начала настроим внешнюю команду в SAP(Транзакция SM69)

И далее вызываем в коде ФМ SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE
form createserverdirectory using value(path). * Parameters for remove command. data: param1 type sxpgcolist-parameters. * Return status data: funcstatus type extcmdexex-status. * Command line listing returned by the function data: iserveroutput type standard table of btcxpm. data: waserveroutput type btcxpm. * Targetsystem type conversion variable. data: target type rfcdisplay-rfchost. * Operating system data: operatingsystem type sxpgcolist-opsystem. * Head for split command. data: head type string.. data: tail type string. param1 = path. target = sy-host. operatingsystem = sy-opsys. call function 'SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE' exporting commandname = 'ZMKDIR' additional_parameters = param1 operatingsystem = operatingsystem targetsystem = target stdout = 'X' stderr = 'X' terminationwait = 'X' importing status = funcstatus tables exec_protocol = iserveroutput[] exceptions no_permission = 1 command_not_found = 2 parameters_too_long = 3 security_risk = 4 wrong_check_call_interface = 5 program_start_error = 6 program_termination_error = 7 x_error = 8 parameter_expected = 9 too_many_parameters = 10 illegal_command = 11 wrong_asynchronous_parameters = 12 cant_enq_tbtco_entry = 13 jobcount_generation_error = 14 others = 15. if sy-subrc = 0. * Although the function succeded did the external command actually work if funcstatus = 'E'. * External command returned with an error if sy-opsys cs 'Windows NT'. read table iserveroutput index 1 into waserveroutput. if waserveroutput-message ns 'already exists'. * An error occurred creating the directory on the server message e000(oo) with 'An error occurred creating a directory'. endif. else. read table iserveroutput index 2 into waserveroutput. split waserveroutput-message at space into head tail. shift tail left deleting leading space. if tail <> 'Do not specify an existing file.'. * An error occurred creating the directory on the server message e000(oo) with 'An error occurred creating a directory'. endif. endif. endif. else. case sy-subrc. when 1. * No permissions to run the command message e000(oo) with 'No permissions to run external command ZMKDIR'. when 2. * External command not found message e000(oo) with 'External comand ZMKDIR not found'. when others. * Unable to create the directory message e000(oo) with 'An error occurred creating a directory' ', subrc:' sy-subrc. endcase. endif. endform."createServerDirectory

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