пятница, 11 октября 2013 г.

Курсы валют. Часть 1.

В первой части приведу пример отчета, который считывает курсы валют на дату с сервера ЦБ РФ, конвертирует трансформацией во внутреннюю таблицу и средствами BAPI актуализирует курсы валют в системе.

Код отчета
report ztest_forcurr. types: begin of t_fline, line(255) type c, end of t_fline . types: t_fline_tab type standard table of t_fline . types: begin of t_valute, numcode(20), charcode(20), nominal type vtb_dfans-cffact, name(150), value type vtb_dfans-value, end of t_valute . types: t_data type sorted table of t_valute with unique key numcode charcode. types: t_date_str(10) type c . start-of-selection. perform load_cbrf_rates_from_site using sy-datum. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form LOAD_CBRF_RATES_FROM_SITE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form load_cbrf_rates_from_site using iv_date type bldat. data: lr_client type ref to if_http_client, lr_response type ref to if_http_response, l_response type string, l_url type string, lv_datetext(10) type c, lv_url_add(100) type c. data: lv_xml_string type string, lt_data type t_data, lv_date type t_date_str. *Подставление нужной даты (не обязательно) clear lv_datetext. if not iv_date is initial. write iv_date to lv_datetext dd/mm/yyyy. lv_datetext+2(1) = lv_datetext+5(1) = '/'. concatenate '?date_req=' lv_datetext into lv_url_add. endif. concatenate 'http://www.cbr.ru/scripts/XML_daily.asp' lv_url_add into l_url. call method cl_http_client=>create_by_url exporting url = l_url " 'http://www.cbr.ru/scripts/XML_daily.asp' importing client = lr_client exceptions internal_error = 1 argument_not_found = 2 plugin_not_active = 3 others = 4. if sy-subrc ne 0. " Ошибка обращения к серверу " message e002 raising create_url_err. endif. * Отправка запроса call method lr_client->send * exporting timeout = timeout exceptions http_communication_failure = 1 http_invalid_state = 2 http_processing_failed = 3 others = 4. if sy-subrc ne 0. " Ошибка запроса к серверу " message e003 raising send_error. endif. * Получение ответа сервера call method lr_client->receive exceptions http_communication_failure = 1 http_invalid_state = 2 http_processing_failed = 3 others = 4. if sy-subrc ne 0. " Ошибка получения ответа от сервера " message e004 raising receive_error. endif. lr_response = lr_client->response . l_response = lr_response->get_cdata( ). * Закрытие соединения call method lr_client->close exceptions http_invalid_state = 1 others = 2. check not l_response is initial . lv_xml_string = l_response. try. perform run_transformation using lv_xml_string changing lt_data lv_date. catch cx_root. * if sy-subrc ne 0. * "Ошибка преобразования XML * message e005 raising trans_error. * endif. endtry. perform check_rates changing lt_data. * perform create_exchrate using lt_data lv_date. endform. "load_cbrf_rates_from_site *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form run_transformation *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form run_transformation using iv_xml type string changing et_data type t_data ev_date type t_date_str. data: oref type ref to cx_root, xslt_message type string. try . call transformation zm_cbrf_rates source xml iv_xml result valcurs = et_data[] gdate = ev_date . catch cx_xslt_exception into oref. xslt_message = oref->get_text( ). message xslt_message type 'E' raising trans_error. catch cx_st_match_element into oref. xslt_message = oref->get_text( ). message xslt_message type 'E' raising trans_error. catch cx_root into oref. xslt_message = oref->get_text( ). message xslt_message type 'E' raising trans_error. endtry. endform. "run_transformation *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form check_rates *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form check_rates changing ct_data type t_data. data: begin of ls_waers, waers type waers_curc, end of ls_waers, lt_waers like standard table of ls_waers, ls_data like line of ct_data. select waers from tcurc into table lt_waers. loop at ct_data into ls_data. read table lt_waers with key waers = ls_data-charcode transporting no fields. if sy-subrc is not initial. delete table ct_data from ls_data. endif. endloop. endform. "check_rates *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form create_exchrate *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form create_exchrate using it_data type t_data iv_date type t_date_str. data: ls_data like line of it_data, ls_rec type bapi1093_0, ls_rec2 type bapi1093_0, lt_rec type standard table of bapi1093_0, lt_return type standard table of bapiret2, ls_return like line of lt_return, lv_usd2_kurs type p length 9 decimals 4. loop at it_data into ls_data. replace all occurrences of ',' in ls_data-value with '.' . clear ls_rec. ls_rec-rate_type = 'M'. ls_rec-from_curr = ls_data-charcode. ls_rec-to_currncy = 'RUB'. ls_rec-valid_from = iv_date+6(4). ls_rec-valid_from+4(2) = iv_date+3(2). ls_rec-valid_from+6(2) = iv_date(2). ls_rec-exch_rate = ls_data-value. ls_rec-from_factor = ls_data-nominal. ls_rec-to_factor = '1'. if ls_data-charcode = 'USD'. "#EC NOTEXT move ls_rec to ls_rec2. ls_rec2-from_curr = 'USD2'. ls_rec2-exch_rate = ls_rec-exch_rate * '1.02'. lv_usd2_kurs = ls_rec2-exch_rate. ls_rec2-exch_rate = lv_usd2_kurs. append ls_rec2 to lt_rec. endif. append ls_rec to lt_rec. endloop. perform add_new_conversion tables lt_rec. call function 'BAPI_EXCHRATE_CREATEMULTIPLE' exporting upd_allow = 'X' * CHG_FIXED = ' ' * DEV_ALLOW = '000' tables exchrate_list = lt_rec return = lt_return . read table lt_return into ls_return with key type = 'E'. if sy-subrc = 0. message id ls_return-id type ls_return-type number ls_return-number with ls_return-message_v1 ls_return-message_v2 ls_return-message_v3 ls_return-message_v4. call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'. else. call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'. endif. endform. "create_exchrate *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form add_new_conversion *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form add_new_conversion tables ct_rec structure bapi1093_0. data: ls_sap_data like line of ct_rec, lt_convers type standard table of tcurf, ls_curf type tcurf. data: lv_inv_date type gdatu_invv. loop at ct_rec into ls_sap_data. " get conversion customizing on date select * from tcurf up to 1 rows into ls_curf where kurst = ls_sap_data-rate_type and fcurr = ls_sap_data-from_curr and tcurr = ls_sap_data-to_currncy and gdatu ge lv_inv_date order by gdatu descending. exit. endselect. lv_inv_date = ls_sap_data-valid_from. translate lv_inv_date using '09182736455463728190'. if sy-subrc is not initial or ls_curf-ffact <> ls_sap_data-from_factor or ls_curf-tfact <> ls_sap_data-to_factor. clear ls_curf. ls_curf-kurst = ls_sap_data-rate_type. ls_curf-fcurr = ls_sap_data-from_curr. ls_curf-tcurr = ls_sap_data-to_currncy. ls_curf-gdatu = lv_inv_date. ls_curf-ffact = ls_sap_data-from_factor. ls_curf-tfact = ls_sap_data-to_factor. insert tcurf from ls_curf. if sy-subrc is not initial. modify tcurf from ls_curf. endif. endif. endloop. endform. "add_new_conversion

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